S. Yi Yao Chao

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Note: The rhythm is receptive to the time it took to receive a fax, the video translates the slices it takes to print a letter. I borrowed a fax machine from my mom’s workplace — a storage for distributing goods and raising feral cats and fat fish. They said this was the last roll in the stationary shop. “Aged paper inking that one day we know will disappear but remain tangible.”, a response from Toni Zhao. Blurs and dusts, the photographs drift and placed in the train ride to 火炭 distilled by an automatic timer (e-eeee-e- shutter). Paired with wechat text messages on this fotan affair.
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Looking at it presently and wanting to feel what it is like to receive a fax- a slow crawl, the progression/momentum of _________ have aged or have we reached aged _________ ; timely to ask what integrity remains in receptivity?